What A Wonderful World

What A Wonderful World

Monday, May 11, 2009

Words Will Never Explain What You Mean To Me

Let me just start off by saying that this weekend brought forth some challenges between Darryl and I in in our relationship, but I'm glad to say we sorted through them and God is the centre of the problems we were having. I believe that God will heal everything that has happened if only we let him and we are more then willing to let him. 

Honestly if I can speak honestly here don't take for granted what has been given to you like I have. If you do then your just being foolish, I needed to ask for forgiveness from God and Darryl, and I thank God for giving me someone who is so understanding and cares for me so much! 

I've been thinking about how lucky I am to be dating someone who is so in love with God and who will keep kicking me in my butt to get into my Word and pray about all my situations, and as I have been getting into my Word more and praying more I m starting to see changes in my workplace and in my relationship with friends, family and Darryl. If there is only one thing you can do in a day, I say spend it with God! He is worth all your time.

This part in the book of Psalms stuck out at me today;

 10 Those who know your name will trust in you, 
       for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Isn't that one of the best promises God has to offer to us! honestly that makes me feel so much better about all my problems and everything that has brought me down over the last few months. My biggest problem was not trusting God with everything, even though I knew I should be, I wasn't.  So I hope I may have blessed you somehow, if not that is okay too! All that matter is God loves me. 


Jenna Dowling said...

this is great Megan - it is always a great feeling to have taken that step forward in honesty and finding forgiveness.

Prayers for you Darryl!

megz33 said...

Thanks Jenna! it sure does! you have always been there for me since I have met you! your so awesome! You truly are an amazing women of God!

Love always Megan